[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/menunplugged/21__Ten_Tools_for_Being_a_Better_Dad_Today_with_former_U.S._Diplomat_Gregory_W._Slayton.mp3″ social_email=”true” hashtag=”menunplugged #podcast #jeffjerina #gregorywslayton #dad #father” twitter_username=”jeffjerina” ]
Encouraging words for all dads. We all make mistakes but we all need a practical toolbox to help us be better fathers. Jeff Jerina chats with his guest, Gregory W. Slayton about simple tools to help you be the best dad you can be. Remember nothing good is built by accident, you need a plan. A noble family vision is that plan where you want your family to be 20, 30 to 40 years down the road. The noble family vision is built together as a family.
Jeff Jerina chats with former United States diplomat, the Honorable Gregory W. Clayton.
A discussion on his time as a former U.S. diplomat and his book, Be a Better Dad Today.
He talks about how he got the post as U.S. diplomat to Bermuda under President George W. Bush.
Greg shares that two of his four children serve in the United States Armed forces. Thank you for their service.
Jeff asks Greg what inspired him to write the book, Be a Better Dad Today.
He opens up about when his birth dad left him and his family and told him he would never come back. Which was one promise his dad kept.
Fatherhood failure is the primary reason for family breakdown around the world and this is why he developed the foundation The Fellowship of Fathers Foundation. To help men strengthen their families and their marriages.
Gregory Slayton thanks God and the Chinese family quasi adopted in his town for taking him in. They taught him the power of fatherhood, family and faith.
Jeff asks Greg Slayton why he thinks being a dad is the most important job a man will ever have. He saids it’s the only job that’s eternal and the only one that has an eternal reward.
Research shows that your impact as a father can go on 5 to 6 generations.
Jeff Jerina and Gregory Slayton discuss some staggering statistics on the negative implications of an absentee father.
Prime drivers among severe emotional illness of teens and young adults is a related in some way to fatherhood failure.
Former U.S. diplomat Gregory Slayton defines fatherhood failure as the emotional or psychical absence of a dad from his child’s life.
Encouraging words that we all make mistakes as dads but we all need a practical toolbox to help us with dads. The book, Be a Better Dad Today, is a culmination of his life lessons on how to be a better dad.
Over 200,000 copies of the book have been sold.
A talk about creating your own noble family vision as a dad leading the charge.
Remember nothing good is built by accident, you need a plan. A noble family vision is that plan where you want your family to be 20, 30 to 40 years down the road. The noble family vision is built together as a family.
Trouble comes to all families. It’s impossible to avoid difficult times. Just look at the Bible.
Together a family can weather the stories of life.
10 Tools of Fatherhood.
There is not one that is more important than the other ones, however, each dad there are tools that we are strong in and some that we are not strong in.
Tool number 4, heartfelt love. Tool number 2, all in marriage. Tool number 1 family first family fun.
You can’t build anything in life without tools.
These tools are universal for fathers to strengthen their marriage and families.
Jeff rolls out the 30 day challenge of Family First, Family Fun. Go to 1 to 2 dates a month at least and to keep that going.
Buy the book now off the MenUnplugged.net website directly through Amazon here.
You can also get a FREE audio download of the book, Be a Better Dad Today at audibletrial.com/menunplugged.
All profits go to charity.
In the supercharge round, Gregory Slayton shares his personal testimony of how he came to know Jesus Christ as his Lord and savior.
You can argue with theology all you want, but you can’t argue with a strong and happy family.
Know that discipline done right is for the benefit of the children. He gives all the credit to his wife.
Fatherhood is a lifetime journey. Everyday you will be learning something. Apologize and keep your head up as the spiritual leader of your home.
Number one thing we need to let our kids know is that we love them.
Challenge – tell them you love them, tell them you are proud of them, and number three no matter what happens that I am with you and am for you for the rest of our lives.
10 to 1 rule in the book. Ten times words or encouragement compared to one bad thing.
Greg talks about achilles heel or blindspot to hold him back. Allow your wife to help you out with that. Pay attention to what your kids have to say.
Spend time with your Heavenly Father.
Husbands love your wives as Christ love’s the church.
Wives your husband needs your respect.
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