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United States Lt. Colonel Damon Friedman joins the Men Unplugged show. Jeff Jerina and Colonel Friedman talk about the importance of preparation, the only One we should surrender to, the Colonel’s time defeating the War on Terror and his new movie Surrender Only to One. As an elite special tactics officer, Friedman (a war veteran) underwent four combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan and received 3 bronze stars (one for valor) and the Combat Action medal. He’s the founder and president of SOF missions and the executive director of the film Surrender Only to One is a docudrama that tells the true story of five men and one woman, all Special Forces operators from various branches of the military, who served in America’s longest war – the War on Terror that began on Sept. 11, 2001.
Jeff would like to take a moment to remember all those brave men and women who lost their lives on 9/11/2001 and those brave men and women who haved served and continue to serve the United States of America, as well as, those who serve in the miliatry from ally countries that continue to serve in defeating the War on Terror. Thank you for your service and sacrifice.
Guest Bio:
Lt. Colonel Friedman is an elite special tactics officer with four combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan and holds a doctorate in intercultural studies who focuses on PTSD. He received 3 bronze stars (which one of those for valor) and the Combat Action medal. He’s the founder and president of SOF missions and the executive director of the film Surrender Only to One which is a movie that creates awareness of PTSD and the suicide epidemic among the veteran community.
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