Discover your True Calling. What God has designed you to do. How He wants you to impact others for good and for His glory! And when we get that right, when we know without a shadow of doubt that we are living out that calling, things seem brighter. You’re a little happier, like life is not that bad… so and so forth. So in this episode, I’m going to talk about one key component of how you can Clarify Your Calling. In doing so, you’re going to Embrace and Engage in who you really are.
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Clarify Your Calling today.
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Webinar Details: August 30, 2021 at 12 pm CST.
Register by August 27, 2021 to reserve your seat.
In this training I’ll be going over the benefits of Clarifying Your Calling, as well as, some actionable steps you can take to start living that out. To register for the FREE webinar visit and click the Save My Spot button. Once you enter your name and email address by August 27th you’re seat will be reserved for the Webinar on the 30th. So make sure you do that by August 27th.
Now if you can’t wait until the Webinar, you can Set Up a Coaching Call with Me to discuss One-on-One or Group training right away. To do that go to that same page at and click the button that says, Can’t Wait, Schedule a Coaching Call.
Just so you’ll know, this Clarify Your Calling training will help you Let go of the shoulds and should nots in life and connect to your true self, the person God has designed you to be, so you will be able to live out your ultimate purpose.
Speaking and training opportunities. Just to let you know, I am looking to partner with churches, ministries, schools, or companies that are ready for their organizations and people they influence to go the next level in their faith and life. More specifically, I would love to partner with you guys in one of my trainings or keynotes. This could be anything from personal development, leadership, biblical manhood, discipleship, evangelism, or one of my specific topics such as Cut Through the Noise, Men Unplugged or Faith Without Fear.
If that describes you or someone else that you know, please reach out to me through my personal contact page at
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Speaker, author, and host of Men Unplugged, Jeff Jerina strives to do more than just educate the audience. Ultimately, his hope is that each person will be entertained and transformed by what they’ve heard. To that end, he will work hard to ensure that each individual leaves inspired and equipped and your goals for the group or event or met. Jeff speaks on topics such as evangelism, leadership, purpose, and men’s issues. Although these are few of the topics he speaks about, they are not exhaustive. If you have another topic that you think Jeff would be a great fit for, please feel free to reach out to him on the contact page. He would love to hear your thoughts. For more information and to book Jeff as a speaker click this link: .
Men Unplugged is a Christ-centered resource for men and their families. Author and host, Jeff Jerina chats with top Christian leaders like Josh McDowell, Kevin Sorbo, Dennis Rainey, Steve Arterburn, Gary Thomas, Dr. Gary Chapman, professional athletes like Brian Bosworth and Chris Coghlan, musicians like MercyMe, business leaders and more every to help you ignite your faith and succeed in life. – a full-service SEO, Web Design, Web Hosting, Logo and App Design company that is a game changer for you or anyone else you know that wants to share their message online, reach more customers, or just simply needs a website for themselves, their business or church. Site Spartan will help you Win Online! To learn more and get started today, visit
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